
Parliamentary and local elections represent one of the most important and sensitive projects implemented by the government in Jordan and the world, due to the challenges involved in this process, as the quality of any and every stage of the electoral process cannot be compromised.


From 2003 until 2024, RealSoft, in cooperation with Palco, provided the systems and technical services to run six general election sessions for the Jordanian Parliament, in addition to five local elections, the last of which was in 2024. The local election in Jordan has three levels of government: mayoralties municipal and local and governorate councils.

Election Inner

Law Amendments

The Jordanian election law witnessed many developments and amendments. The internal bylaw and executive procedures have been amended several times as well. In the year 2012, the management of the electoral process was transferred from the Ministry of the Interior to the Independent Election Commission in 2011. The systems developed by RealSoft kept pace with these changes and amendments efficiently and quickly, which enabled the Jordanian state to adhere to the timetables set for the electoral process every time.

Solution Features

The system developed by RealSoft provides

The calculation of results
The registration of candidates
The management of the electoral process
Reporting and analysis for the various data and stages of the electoral process
Integration with electoral registry services at Civil Status and Passports Department

Security and Performance

Over the course of eleven electoral processes, spanning more than twenty years, the systems developed by RealSoft worked with high efficiency, performance, security, and availability, as all electoral processes went smoothly in all governorates, cities and villages.

Timely Information

The continuous flow of data from the polling stations and the vote counting halls provided real-time information to the electoral management, the media and the public about polling percentages and the results of vote counting. The system also contributed to the speed of calculating and checking the numbers and extracting the results.